THANKS to Kate Lock for her column (What a rubbish life I'm leading, The Press, November 18). More of the same, please!

I'm with Ben Bradshaw on the "leave your packaging at the checkout".

For me, better still, stop shopping there and go to your village/local shops, butchers, greengrocers etcetera.

It dawned on me about seven years ago that I didn't need a bigger fridge, just less polythene and plastic around the things I'd bought.

The packaging is only there to make the supermarket's distribution more efficient, and extend shelf lives. It's not of much benefit to us the customer.

When our councils make everyone realise how much landfill costs by making us pay directly to throw away packaging, then everyone may understand that the supermarkets are shirking their responsibilities and they effectively cannot continue to trade in the way that they have over the last 20 years.

A hot topic I'd like to read more about, and I'll be having a look on the internet to see if I can find out more about the Environment Minister's campaign.

Thank you!

Anne Foster, Marston Road, Tockwith.