ITS architecture ranges from the magnificent to the monstrous, with the Minster as beloved as the notorious Stonebow House is loathed.

Now smartly-designed modern buildings and new developments in York are set to be honoured in an awards ceremony.

The York Design Award aims to encourage high standards of design and is open to all newly-built developments in the City of York Council area completed between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2006.

It has been launched by the Lord Mayor of York, Coun Janet Hopton, to encourage high standards of design in the city.

Coun Hopton has been involved in planning during her seven years as a councillor and wanted to launch the award to reward sustainability, landscaping and lay-out in York's architecture.

She said: "York and its surrounding villages have a lovely heritage and some very fine buildings. We all have a duty to contribute to this and see design as being fundamental in ensuring schemes are of the highest quality, and still in keeping with their surroundings.

"I hope that the awards will encourage all those responsible for new buildings to contribute to York's future heritage by recognising and striving for good design."

There will be seven awards each year, plus one overall winner. The categories are:

  • Newly-built domestic, commercial, community and public buildings
  • Conservation or conversion
  • Private and public landscapes.

The winners will be decided by an independent panel with expertise in architecture, planning, sustainability and conservation.

The panel of judges will be chaired by architecture writer and critic Ken Powell, secretary of the Architectural Association and a former director of the Twentieth Century Society.

The awards have been launched with the help of a partnership of York-based professionals including the Civic Trust, English Heritage, the City of York Council, York Professional Initiative and local architects.

An application form and more information is available from the civic services officer by phoning 01904 551011 or by emailing

The closing date for applications is February 17, 2007, and the individual and overall winners will be announced on March 31, 2007.

An awards ceremony will be held at the Mansion House, in St Helen's Square, after Easter.