On this tenth anniversary of the Iraq war, the BBC misinformation service is trying to convince us that Tony Blair and his fellow hypocrites were not actually lying when they said Iraq had WMD (weapons of mass destruction), but had simply convinced themselves of the case erroneously.

By March 2003 Iraq had endured ten years of weapon inspections, and had been bombed on a random basis for 11 years (usually with WMD as the excuse and target).

It had also seen 500,000 children killed by illegal sanctions that did no personal harm to the man the US and UK had helped keep in power during the cruellest years of his rule and had armed to the teeth for their proxy war on Iran which had killed more than 1,000,000 people.

If after all this, plus UK street demonstrations of over 3,000,000 opposing the war, the intelligentsia of the New Labour government were unable to see that the nation about to be desecrated was unarmed, then what is the point of these stooges or the voting process that appointed them?

A petition is building to indict Tony Blair for war crimes, please sign at petitiononline.com/BWCF/petition.html

R Westmoreland, The Oval, Pocklington.