Great work has been done on the Route 66 Community Garden, with the support of Edible York.

Last Sunday, despite the adverse weather, we planted five fruit trees, having had a digger the previous Saturday to excavate holes big enough to give these lovely trees a good chance of surviving in otherwise poor ground conditions.

We also cleared dead grass and rogue brambles from what was the meadow area, freed up the hedge plants along the perimeter fence and removed more litter.

With the agreement of other local residents, the previous Thursday I met a supervisor in Russell Stone’s team to discuss the relocation of a dog-dirt bin. Thanks to their prompt action, this has now been done and dog walkers are already using it.

Hopefully, the relocation will encourage dog owners not to leave their dogs’ excrement in and around the garden.

This is an example of how co-operation between our hard-pressed council staff and dedicated locals, making best use of limited resources, can really make a difference, to the benefit of many.

Ginnie Shaw, Field View, Burton Stone Lane, York.