In the aftermath of the North Staffordshire hospital scandal and the Francis report, there seems to be a daily attack on the NHS, undermining the service and promoting the alternative as increasing privatisation.

Following a period of ill health, I consulted my GP on the morning of Friday, March 1. In the afternoon, I received a phone call from York NHS Trust with an endoscopy appointment for Thursday, March 14 at 8.30am.

The procedure was performed at 8.45am and I was treated with efficiency and care, with constant encouragement from the nurse and a full explanation of the photographic results by the doctor.

Following rest and refreshments, I was able to leave at 10.15am and had treatment by prescription from my GP the following morning. I doubt that any private health provider would have been any better than this excellent care.

I would encourage anyone to exercise the choice given to them within the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to ask their GP to have the NHS as their ‘‘preferred provider’’ should they need health care.

Please support our NHS and resist the current appetite for privatisation.

Gwen Vardigans, Carron Crescent, York.


• I would like to thank York ambulance crew Loretta and Richard, who were absolutely lovely after I fell on March 13 and broke my collarbone.

Also, thanks to the doctors and nurses and staff of the X-ray department at York A&E.

Maggie Earnshaw, Old Earswick, York.


• I WAS somewhat amused by Labour councillor Mr S Fraser’s letter on March 13.

The NHS will, for all time, be a subject without an answer. Funding will forever be not enough and so will overloading.

I wonder what these committees do when Labour rule the roost but still expect other parties to fall into line.

So, just in case Labour’s Mr Fraser has overlooked the situation, the population of this country has increased by some 20 per cent in the last 10-15 years.

How many new hospitals have been built?

The decline in nursing staff should be a priority but it seems to be negative. What is your answer?

Mr P Richardson, Haxby, York.