A MAN wanted in connection with failing to answer bail is being hunted by police in York.

Ashley Matthew Scott, 26, is wanted for failing to answer bail in connection with a burglary in Riccall, near Selby.

The burglary happened in February last year when marquee equipment and vehicles were stolen from a property in King Rudding Lane, Scott, pictured, is about 6ft tall with a medium build and short brown hair.

Det Con Cheryl Quinn, of York CID, said: “Ashley, if you see or hear this appeal I strongly advise you to come forward and contact the police. I need to talk to you about this burglary so that I can fully understand your involvement with the incident.”

Scott is known to have links in the Doncaster and Pontefract areas.

Anyone with information is asked to phone North Yorkshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.