WHILE applauding Julian Cole’s enlightened views on immigration (The Press, February 7), I don’t think he goes far enough. What are these rules to which he refers and why do we need them?

As we all know, the great US of A was built on immigration, but they did insist on certain rules? Before being admitted, incomers were screened for any contagious diseases on the notorious Ellis Island.

God forbid that we should follow that example. Immigrants to the USA were well aware that they would have to make their own way in that brave new world.

No access to housing benefits or free health care for them.

They stood or fell by their own efforts – in a civilised country such as the UK that would be unthinkable. Let’s continue to welcome all and sundry to this sceptred isle, no strings attached.

Incidentally, if Julian has yet to choose the topic for his next column, might I suggest that he put the record straight about our wonderful NHS. All these scare stories need to be pooh-poohed.

We don’t want people getting the wrong idea about the state of our public services – they might start blaming immigration for the increased demand.

Isobel McCleod, Huntington Road, York.