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Death Notice


Published on 21/08/2024

WYATT Neil BSc (Hons) Sadly passed away on 16 July 2024, aged 67 years. Dearly loved brother of Patricia, Sheila and Richard, proud father of Matthew, loved uncle to Darren, Julie and Victoria. Served in Royal Engineers, worked at Nestle, Ralph Butterfield School and Cllr Haxby Town Council. Lifelong academic and musician. Funeral Service will take place at Haxby Methodist Church on Wednesday 28th of August at 1pm. All enquiries to J Rymer Funeral Directors, Tel 01904 624320


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carol king August 28th, 2024
I worked at Ralph Butterfield Primary School as School Business Manager for many years and knew Neil as one of our valued Midday Supervisor Assistants until I retired recently.
We often frequented in conversation from his work as a Councillor, his love of music and his experience in health and safety, which he often would give his guidance in. I found Neil to be a respectful member of our school with staff and with our values, a highly intelligent gentleman with endless knowledge and a dry sense of humour.
My regards to his family and friends and hope they find comfort and support at this time.