YORK Musical Theatre Company will hold open auditions for the new musical The Scarlet Pimpernel on Sunday, February 24.

Times will be allocated per person, and these auditions will be preceded by audition rehearsals on February 19 and 20 at 7.30pm to give prospective cast members the chance to go through their audition pieces.

All sessions will be held at New Earswick Primary School, and further information is available from chairman Jim Welsman on 01904 704520 or online at jim@welsman. com Directed by Paul Laidlaw, The Scarlet Pimpernel will run at York Theatre Royal from May 14 to 24.

Set during the French Revolution, and with elements of Les Miserables in its musical style, the story centres around Sir Percy Blakeney, a wealthy Englishman whose life is turned upside down when his best friend is sent to death by the guillotine and he discovers the involvement and betrayal of his wife in this terrible incident.