A shimmering gold tableau greets the audience and a stunning opening number, Success, sets the scene for Kirkham Henry Performing Arts' end-of-term performance of musical theatre and classical ballet treats.

The boys and girls excel in the spotlight, whether it is the juniors in Lazy Town, or the more experienced junior dancers in Peter Pan Children's Ballet or the polished spectacle of the senior dancers in their excerpts from Don Quixote.

Proof that the performing arts are to be enjoyed for life is emphasised by the tap-dancing "veterans" who are in fine form and in striking electric blue costumes for In A State from A Wonderful Life. The cast of 400 emphasises the company's inclusiveness. Teamwork is always evident and not least in the brilliantly choreographed modern ballet number Invisible Architect, which demonstrates such beautiful complexity.

Kirkham Henry's associated company, Ryedale Youth Theatre, reprises scenes from its spring show, We Will Rock You. From classically choreographed ballet to the disciplined anarchy of raunchy Queen pop classics, the company rings the changes with smooth and contrasting transitions. Colourful variety is ensured by sophisticated lighting effects, and an amazing range of costumes.

After this show, which includes the company's version of We're Flying The Flag, perhaps our Eurovision Song entry should be left to the exuberant and excellent Kirkham Henry Performing Arts.

Trevor Boag