Ryedale Live! will launch its latest music venture, the monthly Ryedale Live Songwriters Circle, at The Bay Horse in Pickering on Monday.

Open to anyone, the group will be made up of singers and performers of all levels keen to develop their songwriting skills in a relaxed, friendly environment.

“Some will be experienced songwriters wishing to improve their skills and others will be beginners starting out on their songwriting journey,” says facilitator David Swann, an acoustic folk singer-songwriter, who runs a similar circle in York already.

His new circle will meet every month to explore all aspects of songwriting and performance, sometimes working as a group and at other times with experienced tutors.

Lyric writing, melody, instrument work, performance skills and recording will all be covered in sessions run by David, with the assistance of assorted Ryedale musicians.

Future plans include liaising with other songwriting groups and performing in concerts around the district.

Anyone interested in participating should attend Monday’s inaugural session at 8pm in a private room upstairs at The Bay Horse, where admission will be £2. Should you need further details, phone David on 07933 239133.

Ryedale Live! already runs a series of bi-monthly acoustic music concerts that showcases local talent alongside more established musicians from across the country.

The first was held last July at The Band Room, Low Mill, Farndale, the setting for the next concert too, on Friday, March 6, when international performers Angie Palmer and Edwina Hayes will share the bill with Ryedale musicians Robin Bunton, Nick Staley and Ru Brooks.