UNDER encouragement from friends, family and colleagues, Ian Smith has abandoned his job in the public sector to pursue his passion for art.

He is now exhibiting his innovative works at Grays Court, Chapter House Street, York, in an exhibition entitled Old Yorkers.

Inspired by the architecture and the people of the city of York, where he has lived and worked for nearly a decade, he works in three distinctive styles: glass paint on foil, pointillist works and 3D watercolour and ink crowd scenes.

“As a self-taught artist, I’ve always had a creative project ongoing at any given time,” says Ian. “However, it’s only in the last few years that I’ve actively developed my inventive techniques and ideas.

“The glass paint on foil is a method which captures and reflects light in the medium, and my subject matter in this style ranges from cartographic to meditative and spiritual.

“The pointillist works are a combination of warm, earthy hues juxtaposed with visual effects, inspired by contemporary indigenous Aboriginal artwork that I encountered while travelling in Australia.

“The 3D watercolour and ink crowd scenes illustrate caricatures that I affectionately call Old Yorkers, and they depict interactions and social observations which range from light hearted and whimsical to humorously apocalyptic.” Helen Heraty, of Grays Court, welcomes the arrival of Ian’s work. “This is one of our most unique exhibitions and anyone with an interest in more unusual styles of art will love it,” she says.

Admission is free. Please note that the Grays Court Tea Rooms are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.