WITH so much on show in this extended open studio season, any selection can only hint at what’s on offer, but here are five visited last weekend, and open again this weekend, from tonight until Sunday.

Ben Arnup, The Cottage, Love Lane, The Mount: Art pottery, much of it now using marbled clays, from the long-established York potter. Great work, lovely location, and you can visit Ben’s basement studio and kiln. Enjoyably quirky work from Louise Rowley at the same location.

Jonathan Newdick, Sugar Hill Farm, Stockton Lane: Figurative and semi-abstract sculptures from the always impressive Newdick, pictured left, including new work in charred wood.

Adrienne French, 85 East Parade, Heworth: Textured landscapes which capture images in intriguing ways. With Emma Whiting’s charming pictures, including her shipping forecast series.

Jo Wilson, 61 St Swithin’s Walk, Holgate: Visit not least for the astonishing setting, a fantasy film-set style structure and charmingly over-stuffed large garden building crammed with small-scale – and slightly crowded-out – art made from found objects.

Mark Redhall, Space 109, Walmgate: Redhall is relatively new to art, but his talent is flourishing, and his studies of women at work in the fields are a true delight. With Chuck Lindley’s erotic drawings and Thomas Rimmington’s strikingly naturalistic portraits.

• The tenth anniversary York Open Studios returns for a second weekend today. Opening times are: this evening, 6pm to 9pm; tomorrow, 10am to 6pm; Sunday, 11am to 5pm. For full details, visit yorkopenstudios.co.uk

BAR Lane Studios drew almost 1,000 visitors to its York Open Studios exhibition last weekend.

The Lord Mayor of York, Councillor Sue Galloway, attended the show on Monday for a tour, tea and cake.