ACCORDING To McGee gallery guru Greg McGee is to be the art advisor for Dream Catcher magazine in York.

His appointment has been announced by York publishers Stairwell Books and will take immediate effect, Greg being responsible for issue 27’s release in late summer and for issue 28, which is to be guest edited by a panel of women editors.

Greg already oversees the national exhibition showcase New Visuality as well as co-directing his gallery in Tower Street, York, with his wife and business partner, Ails McGee.

His role for Dream Catcher is to bring fresh ideas to the magazine, whose aim is to provide artists and writers with an international platform for their work.

This chimes with the McGees’ philosophy for their gallery. “We’re a contemporary white cube gallery and we showcase artists who are not only the new collectables, but who have watertight professionalism,” says Greg.

Co-director Ails takes up the point. “There’s a world of difference between someone enjoying saying ‘I’m an artist’ because it gives them a thrill and someone having to say ‘I’m an artist’ because to them they can’t exist without sketching, drawing, painting and finishing a piece.

“We’ll still champion new blood, but it’ll be a case of working with artists who see their practice as their raison d’être, not their birthright. York is increasingly looking for artists who can step up to the plate, and we think that’s a good thing.”

The McGees’ gallery is developing its global reach through international manager Linda Hein and northern charity New Visuality, who have secured exhibition space for According To McGee in Lille, Rotterdam, Paris and Cologne to promote artists Francine Cross, Sam Jefferies and Matt Fletcher and filmmaker Nick Walters.

“As a gallery, we will never lose the punk ethos,” says Ails. “Heritage is great for museums, and I love museums, but the contemporary market needs new blood. York will only keep its gorgeous glow going if it continues to be outward looking.”

Greg concurs: “This is why I’m so pleased to collaborate with Dream Catcher. Having the magazine on display in the gallery is one thing, but being involved is a thrill. You can’t fake the bristling hunger that a young magazine needs to maintain such a stylish vibe.”

Published by Lowther Street small press Stairwell Books, Dream Catcher is an international arts journal and community literature organisation, whose magazine features poetry, prose, artwork and reviews, with contributors from across the world. You can visit its website at