COMEDIAN and musician Bill Bailey will play York Barbican on Saturday, November 12, as one of eight extra dates added to his Dandelion Mind tour this autumn.

Already performed in the Scottish Highlands and northern Britain, Australia and New Zealand and in a West End residency in London last year, the show combines Bailey’s trademark musical interludes, observations and stories of the road and is based loosely on the theme of doubt, bolstered by barely contained rants about celebrity, television and Michael Winner.

Bailey will sing an internet love song and a lament about punk heroes, as well as performing Iranian hip-hop and folk-bouzouki, while the finer points of nuclear physics and the myth of intelligent design will be worked over in his surreal style. He also promises to revisit the music of his youth with a French disco re-working of Gary Numan’s Cars and maybe some Wurzels-based remixes of classic German techno.

Tickets for the 8pm show can be booked on 0844 854 2757 or 0844 482 5120 or online at, or