THE details of the Environment Agency’s £45 million plans to improve York’s flood defences are really taking shape. Having gone out to consultation on their proposals for improved defences for Clementhorpe and New Walk late last year, the agency has now unveiled details of its proposals to protect properties in the North Street/ Wellington Row/ Rougier Street area.

The proposals include raising the existing flood wall and flood gates along Wellington Row and North Street; raising the existing floodgate under Lendal Bridge; a new flood defence behind the Memorial Gardens; and flood defences actually within the Royal Mail depot to protect Leeman Road.

This is the third of the 18 projects in the agency’s £45 million flood defence programme announced in the wake of the 2015 Boxing Day floods. And as usual, the agency is keen for locals to have their say.

The plans will be on show from 10am-7pm tomorrow at the agency’s recently-opened centre in an old electricity sub-station in Wellington Row, and there will be a chance for people to comment then.

That doesn’t give much time, it is true. But it is important these proposals now move forward quickly.

Details of the agency’s plans are now coming forward thick and fast. Work should begin on the improved defences for the Clementhorpe area later this year. And with the pumps at the upgraded Foss Barrier now working again York will hopefully soon be better protected against floodwaters than ever.

Whether that will be enough in the face of the ever-increasing risk posed by climate change only time will tell