TWICE in the last century we fought Germany for reasons that had nothing to do with us, ie when she invaded Belgium and Poland.

Now Germany has learned that continental dominance is more easily achieved by political and economic means than militarily so she is unlikely to be a physical enemy in the foreseeable future.

Although our armed forces are small and getting smaller we still carry a large and expensive military establishment whose sole purpose is, or should be, the defence of the realm.

Against whom? The answer is, of course, Russia.

Although our two previous adventures, the Crimean War and intervention on the losing side in the Russian Civil War, took place on Russian soil at our instigation, Putin’s Russia is represented as a massive threat to be opposed at all costs.

Next time our macho young Defence Secretary demands extra millions to send another company to Estonia he should be shown the film of 90,000

German prisoners trudging out of Stalingrad on their way to Siberia.

About 5,000 eventually returned to Germany.

Provoking the Russian Bear is never a good idea even when he punishes his traitors on our soil.

Honey and marmalade sandwiches are better weapons than pokes with a sharp stick.

A V Martin,

Westfield Close,
