TWO long-serving partners of JWP Creers, the York and Selby chartered accountants, are retiring.

John Latimer and David Ingall, both 65, are retiring after 38 years and 32 years respectively as partners.

Mr Ingall was managing partner of JW Pickles and Co when the firm merged with Creers to become JWPCreers in 2006.

He became the first managing partner of JWP Creers until he relinquished the role in December 2009.

Mr Latimer, senior partner, joined Creers of York when it was called Creer Etty Rank in 1972, and was made a partner in 1975.

Both partners will continue to work for the firm as consultants.

Mr Latimer said: “Someone said you should retire while you are young enough to enjoy it, but I will have the best of both worlds – continuing with consultancy work for the practice and playing cricket.”

Mr Ingall said: “Retirement is not doing different things. It is the same things at my own pace and choice.”