A HIGH-TECH University of York spinout company is ready to display its revolutionary invention - tiny tools which investigate the nature of matter - to the world's scientific community.

Paraytec Ltd, of Tadcaster Road, will be exhibiting its ActiPix D100 miniature ultraviolet (UV) imaging detector in the new products area of the four-day Pittcon exhibition starting on February 26 in Chicago, US.

The first sale of the device has already gone to a US protein research company, but its chief scientific officer, Professor David Goodall, regards the Pittcon exhibition as the major showcase to the world. His firm, founded by University of York chemistry scientists, could now shake up the $25.4 billion global scientific instrument market.

Scientists in the US will applaud its highly accurate miniature ultraviolet light absorbence detectors for use in laboratories.

The technology is already widely used to establish the nature of matter, with different wavelengths of UV light indicating different compounds.

The instrument use capillaries the width of a human hair to carry samples through a UV light beam, then capture and process the images using a pixel sensor - similar to technology used in digital cameras and mobile phones.