TWO Yorkshire business women will be taking part in a 36-hour challenge in an effort to encourage local independent trade.

Tina Boden, co-founder of micro- business lobbying organisation Enterprise Rockers, and Kath Turner, chair of the North Yorkshire East Coast branch of the Federation of Small Businesses, will travel through Yorkshire and Humber communities as part of the Local Indie Explorer Challenge, spending no money, but instead relying on small business owners to provide them with accommodation, food and other essentials.

Beginning in Scarborough on July 9, and returning there by evening on the the following day, they will split up to attempt to meet and be photographed with as many business owners as possible, while simultaneously encouraging people to sign a pledge to help support these businesses.

Boden and Turner hope their challenge will show the strength of local trade in the region, and also encourage others to follow in their footsteps in shopping “indie” to ensure the continued survival of these businesses.

Their journeys can be tracked on Twitter @tinaboden and @cleanau43