In an article entitled "A decade of digital dependency" Ofcom estimates that one in five people spends more than 40 hours a week online and that we Brits are checking our smart phones every 12 minutes.

The article published in 2018 refers to our Smartphone obsession and it is not surprising that employers have seen the value of providing their employees with these devices, which enable greater communication and the ability to work on the go. However, many may not appreciate the increased risks that accompany this greater flexibility.

Data Loss

Whilst few would argue that Corporate data is vulnerable to malicious cyber-attacks, via a mobile device, few companies consider the exposure from Apps. Downloaded apps often request permissions that are, at best, scan read that can go as far as accessing and sharing data with unknown partners.

Wi-Fi Networks

Working remotely means that employees often connect via public Wi-Fi. These connections can be risky, and criminals can use the Wi-Fi connections to intercept company data or to install malicious software.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing emails are often much harder to spot on mobile devices and even the most vigilant of employees could be tricked into clicking on dangerous links that could compromise their employer's security.

What can you do?

Businesses should stay informed about the latest cyber threats and educate employees about cyber security.

Employers should form a clear company policy on corporate mobile use to reduce the risk:

• Insisting upon a secure and unique password.

• Not using corporate mobile for personal matters any more than is necessary.

• Avoiding installing anything that is not from a known and trusted source

• Accepting Software Updates as soon as they are issued.

For information on how Cyber Insurance can help your business please get in touch

John Goodacre is Commercial Account Executive at PIB Insurance Brokers in York.


A decade of digital dependency

Why More and More Phishing Attacks are Going After Mobile Users |