
  • Play-off ruling wipes out points difference

    NEW Earswick ARLC maintained their leadership of Pennine League division two with another comprehensive victory - but then learned their grip on the title has been loosened by the rule-book. The All Blacks turned on the style in the second half of their

  • Chauffeur franchise is up and running

    BUDDING entrepreneurs are being urged to hit the road - by setting up a smart new chauffeur franchise. The man driving the brainwave, Wetherby-based Hugh Millington, reckons anyone getting involved should gear up for a tidy profit. The managing director

  • Hunt for the top training bosses

    A SEARCH has begun to find the four top bosses in Yorkshire who provide the very best practical training for young people. Edge, a new charity that aims to change attitudes towards practical learning, has launched the Edge Employer Awards. Winning regional

  • Property trio join law firm

    LAW firm Rollits of York has appointed three more lawyers to its property team. They are, Albert Oh, Peter Mason and Christine Boughen. A former student at Hymers College, Peter worked for Hull solicitors Stamp Jackson and Procter, before moving to Rollits

  • Time to change drugs policies

    KEVIN Curran's film sounds a very useful tool in the continuing struggle against the drug problems encountered on the estates of York and across Britain (February 17). Any information put into the public arena regarding the complex problems of drug use

  • Wheel concerns

    Mr Croft of City of York Council states in relation to a proposal to bring an observation wheel to York that "no trees are to be removed" (Letters, February 17). Has he read the document accompanying the application, Method of Construction, Operation

  • Remind me... what exactly has changed?

    WITH reference to hunting and the ban on hunting with dogs... the hunts maintain they will carry on as before, the police say the ban can't be enforced; status quo unchanged, so why the problem? As they say in France, every thing is changed, but everything

  • Thanks for showing us the Press

    I WISH to show our appreciation of the Evening Press office tour we attended on Saturday, February 12 (9.45am tour). Bill Hearld and Jen Horsley conducted the tour and both were approachable, informative and enthusiastic. It was interesting to learn of

  • A waste of money

    CONGRATULATIONS on a balanced report on the bollard controversy (February 15). Peter Evely's defence is a significant shift of the council's ground. Its case now rests, not on the current situation, but on an unquantified projection into the future. Many

  • Let's throw out the chuckers

    THERE are so many ugly faces in football that it could fund and run a gargoyle XI and that's without recruiting any of the many players who have climbed the ugly tree and bounced back down hitting every single branch. Now screaming with a Banshee-type

  • Losing the Navy

    THIS year the Royal Navy will be preparing to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805. England, as an island nation, has always had and, indeed, needed a powerful maritime force. Over the past 200 years, the Royal

  • Why bother?

    I HAVE to respond to Mark Waudby's letter inviting people who spot a problem to ring the council and report it (Letters, February 19) by asking him: ''Why?" Based on my experience, contacting the council is a sheer waste of valuable time. During the past

  • Did they try ASDA?

    WHY all the fuss regarding Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles finding they cannot get married in Windsor Castle? It can be arranged at Asda no fuss at all. Ken Holmes, Cliffe Common, Selby. Updated: 10:16 Tuesday, February 22, 2005

  • Tsunami fund tops £70,000

    MORE than £70,000 has been raised by the York Aid appeal for victims of the Asian tsunami. Almost £60,000 has already been paid to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to help relief and reconstruction efforts in the devastated areas. The record-breaking

  • Ace Price eclipsed by Cygnet

    CAROL Price's 113 for Holgate was in vain as they crashed to Cygnet 'C' in York John Smith's Ladies League division one. She notched treble 20, 13, double 20 finish for 21 but a 22 from Michelle Britton spurred Cygnet 'C' to victory. Bev Lawson won the

  • Red cards add up to red faces

    CARLTON United lost for the first time in eight matches after having three players sent off in a 3-0 RJF Homes Beckett League second division defeat against leaders Slingsby. Darren Dyer, Ben Brownhill and Simon Collier all netted for Slingsby as United

  • Play-off ruling wipes out points difference

    NEW Earswick ARLC maintained their leadership of Pennine League division two with another comprehensive victory - but then learned their grip on the title has been loosened by the rule-book. The All Blacks turned on the style in the second half of their

  • York pair mauled by Sheffield rivals

    CITY of York Hockey Club's first and second teams took a hammering from their Sheffield University Bankers rivals. While the first team were beaten 4-0 in South Yorkshire in the Northern Hockey League top tier, the second team, who fielded a bit of a

  • Protesters celebrate after wind turbine plans are scrapped

    PLANS to build two 364ft high wind turbines between York and Selby have been shot down by the RAF. Power company E.ON UK announced it was withdrawing its application for the wind farm on the Escrick Park Estate after fierce objections from the Ministry

  • Snowed under

    THE inquest into the snow chaos which hit York began in earnest today with calls for more gritters for the city. Council chiefs said they did everything in their power to keep the roads clear, but their efforts failed to prevent queues and a spate of

  • Rest affords City a Devon-sent opportunity

    YORK City boss Billy McEwan will not accept 'tired legs' as an excuse if his team fail to perform against Exeter City tonight. The Minstermen made the long trip to Devon this morning but McEwan believes they should be fresh after having two full days

  • Killer bug man's lifesaving work

    A TOP North Yorkshire expert in MRSA - the hospital superbug that annually kills 5,000 people in the UK-- revealed today that his company believed it had developed a lifesaving remedy. The discovery, made by Professor Sir Anthony Milnes Coates, who lives

  • Let's still do lunch

    How will women's social clubs survive without younger members? JO HAYWOOD talks to two ladies who lunch. CHRIS Bonington, Joan Bakewell, Sir Bernard Ingham and Richard Whiteley may not appear a likely bunch of bedfellows, but they do have one key thing

  • Red cards add up to red faces

    CARLTON United lost for the first time in eight matches after having three players sent off in a 3-0 RJF Homes Beckett League second division defeat against leaders Slingsby. Darren Dyer, Ben Brownhill and Simon Collier all netted for Slingsby as United

  • Police objection puts concert in doubt

    TWO star names have been added to the bill of a spectacular "Northern Proms" concert planned for York - but they may never make it on stage because police have raised an objection to the event. X Factor runners-up G4, famous for classical-style renditions

  • Rest affords City a Devon-sent opportunity

    YORK City boss Billy McEwan will not accept 'tired legs' as an excuse if his team fail to perform against Exeter City tonight. The Minstermen made the long trip to Devon this morning but McEwan believes they should be fresh after having two full days

  • Last-minute thriller

    HEWORTH 'A' pulled off a thrilling last-minute win as Gary Watkinson coolly stroked over a penalty to give them a 22-20 Yorkshire League division three triumph over Eastmoor 'A'. Eastmoor opened with a penalty before the young home squad, which included

  • So what would you demolish?

    Channel 4 is searching for the nation's most hated building, so it can be pulled down. York has a few contenders of its own, reports STEPHEN LEWIS. LET'S hear it for the good folk of Cumbernauld, near Glasgow. When they learned that Channel 4 was making

  • Quinn to shine - 22/02/05

    Richard Quinn, who started his racing career in Ryedale, could well be the jockey to follow at Lingfield tomorrow. The canny Scot has good prospects of a treble on Gulchina, Kathology and Jennverse. The last named, trained by Dean Ivory, took Quinn to

  • Save pensions

    WHILE I support the call from Paul Jagger to save public sector workers' pensions (Letters, February 18), it should be remembered that private workers' pensions are also under attack from this Labour administration. Since coming to power in 1997, Gordon

  • Open questions

    THE York Open Planning Forum will hold an open meeting on Thursday to look at the results of the consultation carried out last year on the future development of the Castle Piccadilly area. The process was initiated by the city council with the intention

  • Pop to Poppleton

    IT seems residents in the Straylands Grove/Woodlands Grove area of York do not want a rising bollard which the city authorities are to install to combat a traffic rat run which the residents say does not exist. Residents of Upper and Nether Poppleton

  • Nothing left to hide

    SO YOU think you are as free as a bird - free to roam the globe in anonymity, safe in the knowledge that no one has anything on you. Think again. Only if you were born and brought up unbeknown to the world in the darkness of deepest Dalby Forest, scratching

  • Villagers split on sports field

    A YORK village has accused a neighbouring community of trying to "dump" a new sports ground on its doorstep. Residents of Acaster Malbis are fighting plans by Bishopthorpe Parish Council to build a complex with football pitches, changing rooms and a 60

  • Police authority chairwoman urged to resign

    CALLS for North Yorkshire Police Authority's chairman Jane Kenyon to resign were made today after the force's finance director quit his job. North Yorkshire MP Phil Willis, the Liberal Democrat MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, said director of finance

  • MP urges final push for GNER

    MPs have urged passengers to give a final push to GNER's bid to be allowed to continue running train services on the East Coast Main Line - as rail chiefs confirmed a decision would be made by mid-March. Hugh Bayley, Labour MP for City of York, said it

  • Call for extra spy TV staffing

    PLANS to boost staff manning York's CCTV system are to be debated tonight. The opposition Labour group wants an extra person to man the city's camera system on weekend evenings. Labour councillors will propose their plans at a full council budget meeting

  • Tsunami fund tops £70,000

    MORE than £70,000 has been raised by the York Aid appeal for victims of the Asian tsunami. Almost £60,000 has already been paid to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to help relief and reconstruction efforts in the devastated areas. The record-breaking

  • Police objection puts concert in doubt

    TWO star names have been added to the bill of a spectacular "Northern Proms" concert planned for York - but they may never make it on stage because police have raised an objection to the event. X Factor runners-up G4, famous for classical-style renditions

  • If only I'd learnt that

    MY brother would have been in his element. Fishing is on the curriculum at a school in Shropshire, with children being taught both fly and coarse fishing, how to handle a fishing rod, choose and attach the bait, cast a line - the whole package. Stephen

  • Blown away

    PLANS to install giant wind turbines at Escrick Park Estate have been withdrawn. This has delighted objectors who argued that these modern windmills were an unacceptable blot on a fine landscape. The wind farm has been scuppered not for aesthetic reasons

  • Review: Stephen Fretwell, Fibbers, York

    THE singer-songwriter, then, both a product and chronicler of troubled times. The post-9/11 landscape has proven particularly fertile for earnest young men and women with acoustic guitars and an intimate knowledge of Bob Dylan's back catalogue, a brand

  • Ida Mary puts in her spoon

    IDA Mary Goodrick, used to causing a stir on our letters pages, comes to the Diary with a plaintive question. "Have wooden spoons, those inexpensive items that were once so essential in domestic kitchens, now been consigned to the dustbins of history?