AFTER I retired from posts in higher and in further education, I took an interest in games of the Irish countryside.

I already had some knowledge of such games in Scotland and in the north of England.

This led to my representing the various UK sports councils (and less formally Ireland) on the Council of Europe Sports Committee project on European traditional games. Cricket is obviously one of these games and I have been trying to track down a copy of The History Of York Cricket Club, by Harrison Woodward (1921).

Jon Champion, now a well known sports commentator with ITV, when a schoolboy in York, wrote an article on the club making use of the above book for the club's bi-centenary booklet (1984).

On that occasion, I believe the book was borrowed, then returned, following a newspaper appeal.

Now, some 23 years on, I wonder if any reader has a copy of the book, or knows where one might be.

It might be sufficient for my purpose if the book's possessor could kindly check the index, or otherwise, for some details.

Andrew Steven, Hill Crest, 5 Beechill Avenue, Belfast