HUNDREDS of York’s most vulnerable families are set to receive extra help in turning their lives around.

City of York Council’s Family Focus Team has developed a new tool to help identify the strengths in families as well as the things for which they need the most support.

The team works with families with multiple and complex needs, which could include resolving truanting and antisocial behavioural problems or helping family members tackle addiction or get back into employment.

The Family Wheel covers all areas of family life, including health and well being, learning and education, employment, offending behaviour and drugs and alcohol use.

“The wheel is used as a tool for discussion with family members about all areas of their life and helps to monitor and highlight areas for change and where progress is being made,” said a council spokeswoman. A single parent said she was at the end of her tether but felt as if there was now ‘light at the end of the tunnel’.