BUILDING work always involves some degree of disruption and although the eagerly awaited development at Terry’s former chocolate factory will bring much needed new homes to York, a number of old trees along the boundary of David Wilson Homes' scheme have been brought down over the past week to allow for a sewer connection into Bishopthorpe Road.

York doesn't have anywhere near enough trees and to lose mature specimens like these is a great shame. Understandably many people are dismayed, even angry.

Fortunately, the company says it will plant 200 new trees once the work has been completed, which will hopefully go some way towards placating those who are upset.

However, none of this should detract from the fact that it is good to see such a great old building put to new purpose. Too many landmarks up and down the land have been left to go to wrack and ruin or worse, demolished.

The Chocolate Works, on the other hand, has been given a new lease of life. Given the history of delays on redeveloping the site since the factory closed its doors in 2005, that has to be welcomed.