Who can take a photo of the longest grass growing out of a highway drain?

Here's a starter-for-ten... my submission is a drain on the main road(!) opposite Marlborough Grove on Fishergate.

The drain looks completely blocked with silt and grass is growing out of it - so it's clearly been like that for some time. Maybe the grass isn't very long, but there is a variety of different species growing there. It's a mini-eco-system in itself!

So... I know that other Councillors have been collecting similar evidence of blocked drains. Here's my challenge to Cllr. Simpson-Laing and those others... can you find a drain with longer grass, or a greater variety of plant species growing out of it? Members of the public are welcome to join in. York's drains only mind! Send your photos to The Press!

I'll try to think of a suitable prize for the winner.