If councillors and public service department heads are said to be too slow in making decisions and finalising them, they need help.

First of all get them to examine all their reports and paperwork to see what happens as a result of them. Get rid of everything which creates no resulting positive action.

If you DO nothing you can't be accused of making mistakes. It's a very comfortable place to be.

What they need and would feel the benefit of is a personal WORK PLAN which lists their activity and results every month. The most active and successful would see an acknowledgement of their efforts and those less so would find motivation to do more and feel the satisfaction of their additional effort. They would all gain from this and so would we.

Work Plan to be completed and published on a monthly basis, it would list;

1. Positive, non- restrictive issues agreed and finalised.

2. Restrictive issues agreed and finalised.

3. Issues outstanding and in progress with date first raised.

4. A priority list of outstanding issues for agreeing and finalising in the following month.

5. New issues arising.

These reports should be headed; PLAN YOUR WORK AND WORK YOUR PLAN.

I saw the positive results of this system of management from the viewpoint of Salesman, Supervisor, Manager and regional Manager with one of the most established and successful companies in the world; Pitney Bowes mailroom and business systems manufacturers.

They rewarded success and I am sure , still do.

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