The Sun is shining and England looks as though Spring has arrived.

York City are only one point from staying in the Football League.

George Osborne must surely be getting the message that investment in one fast train in the future in one part of the country is barmy.  Better to invest now in the prevention of inland flooding and coastal erosion!  It would be a lot of jobs all around the country. 

It would benefit everyone and would give the economy a boost and it would save our government money in the long (and short) run.  How, I hear you ask?  Simple, well we wouldn't have to pay for all those inevitable disasters and face the emotional traumas that come with them.

Imagine people in years to come describing those flood defences as “Osborne's”. 

I'm also tempted to remind both George and David that setting up an English Parliament to represent the English on the United Kingdom would create jobs and at the same time make me very happy.

So come on George and David, do something for everyone and make it all positives today.

Happy Saint George's Day.