PUPILS at York’s Derwent Junior School have spruced up the school grounds by planting 15 aspen trees.

The trees were donated by Dr Roger Pierce, the chairman of governors at the school, in Osbaldwick Road, who was also present for the planting.

Carol Tuck, the school’s business manager, said: “Dr Pierce is a nature lover and he knew the aspens would suit the grounds of the school. It was a very kind gesture.

“The children who take part in our gardening club planted the trees.

“It fits in with the school’s efforts to think about our carbon footprint and be healthy.

“We grow our own fruit and vegetables, and then the children take part in an after-school cookery club to make soups and salads with them.”

The junior school has recently bought two compost bins, one as a gift to the Derwent Arms restaurant, in a bid to recycle leftover food.