HOW interesting that Dr Roderic Vassie believes Islam to be a tolerant religion which has given rise to a mature civilisation (February 9).

Whilst I do not, for one moment, doubt that Dr Vassie is a very devout and peace-loving person (as I am sure most Muslims are) I would certainly like to know how Islam can be described as tolerant, given the behaviour of many of its followers and rulers.

For example, how tolerant of other faiths are the Islamic authorities in Saudi Arabia?

I would also like to point out that a survey of Muslims in the 18 to 24 age group found that 12 per cent of them considered that the terrorist attacks carried out in the UK were justified. That is a worryingly large minority and I would certainly question their level of tolerance.

Trisha Scott,

West Park Terrace,

Falsgrave Road, Scarborough.

Updated: 11:24 Monday, February 20, 2006