PATIENTS at St Leonard's Hospice in York were entertained with campfire songs when one of the city's Brownie packs paid them a visit.

The 5th York (Our Lady's) Brownie Pack are regular visitors to the hospice in Tadcaster Road where one of their leaders, Sue Taylor, is a nursing sister.

On Wednesday, during a special visit to the hospice, they sang various campfire songs to entertain the patients and visitors.

The girls had already practised their songs in a special sponsored campfire meeting in June, when they raised more than £200 for the work of St Leonard's.

They sang a wide variety of songs, some of them in the patients' rooms and others in public areas of the Hospice.

After their songs they presented the money they had collected from their sponsorship to the Hospice.

Janet Morley, fundraising manager at St Leonard's Hospice, said: "This is the fourth time that the Brownies from Our Lady's have been to the Hospice to sing for our patients, who really appreciate hearing their young voices.

"We are grateful to everyone in the pack, and to their adult leaders, for their music and for their generous contribution to our work of caring for local people."

Updated: 08:42 Friday, July 04, 2003