PERHAPS Rosy Garnett might include St Peter's school in her anti-social behaviour campaign (June 18).

After four years of purgatory, their latest proposals are to obliterate a very substantial area of the old Queen Anne's school playing fields buried under hundreds of tons of hardcore and concrete, then surround this with huge metal fences and erect 70ft floodlights.

This will cause great annoyance to everyone in the vicinity and blight the city skyline.

Cement and steel do not remove carbon dioxide emissions from an already polluted atmosphere, to which St Peter's and St Olave's "school runs" contribute excessive quantities on a daily basis.

Another inner city green space will disappear.

St Peter's managed to procure Queen Anne's school, virtually without condition and ever since have been complete nuisances to the whole area and still continue to be neighbours from hell.

Alan J Parkin,

North Parade,


Updated: 09:39 Thursday, June 23, 2005