ISN’T it gratifying when politicians speak out unrestrained by the yoke of party dogma? In this context, it was satisfying to read Councillor Christian Vassie being overtly critical of his party’s failings with his comments that “car schemes contradict each other” (The Press, September 7).

I agree entirely with his sentiments that the leadership of City of York Council should stop knee-jerking from error to mistake and concentrate instead on putting together a coherent strategic plan for the city.

It’s just a shame that Coun Vassie didn’t display the same “honest Jim” approach when he was part of the executive. I don’t recall him stepping up to the mark about much of significance until he spoke out over the wheel controversy.

Oh that he had any influence now that he is outside the “inner circle”.

If only, comes to mind. If only he had spoken out about York’s planning constipation; if only he had been critical of the Hungate HQ proposals; if only his voice had been heard supporting the proposals for the Terry’s site first time around; if only he had put his oar in earlier about the Barbican fiasco. If only… I’m afraid Coun Vassie’s recent criticisms of his colleagues are a case of too little too late and an example of opportunities lost. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was shaping up to defect to the Green Party.

I sincerely hope, like the current Government, our ruling party of the council will get its come-uppance at the next election – when the people of this great city have the opportunity to vote with their heads rather than their hearts and restore some common sense to local politics.

Allan Charlesworth, Old Earswick, York.

• WITH reference to Coun Vassie’s idiotic suggestion to “turf over” Lendal Bridge, perhaps he should be turfed out and put out to grass, because as he seems to have lost the plot.

Where was he when all the turf near Clifton Bridge was sacrificed to a scheme to save a few cyclists a few minutes a day?

Now one of the green cycling councillors is complaining about air quality in his area of Fulford, while in the same letter supporting the scheme in Clifton, which is causing the same problems.

As, according to pedalling Paul Hepworth, I have no right as a local to veto this dangerous and damaging scheme, could I ask why councillors are playing party politics with our health?

They are moaning about not getting enough Government funding to clean air while introducing stupid schemes causing air pollution.

The best way to get cars off the road is to get them to their destination as quickly as possible – or is vetoed by the yellow plastic helmet brigade?

Mrs M Barker, Ousecliffe Gardens, York.