THERE is no greater way of proclaiming to your fellow man that you have arrived than by having your portrait painted and placed in a prominent position.

While some, such as Iraqi tyrants, may be guilty of taking this to an extreme, Diary feels it takes a man of substance to feel comfortable under the constant gaze of himself, as represented in oils.

One such man is Paolo Silesu, above right, owner of cosy Italian eatery Paradiso Del Cibo, in Walmgate, York,the regular haunt of many a Press hack.

A whole wall is now dominated by Paolo’s huge portrait, which he commissioned from an artist friend, Andres Jaroslavsky, above left, after five years in business.

“People seem to like it lot,” he says. “I tell them it’s a picture of my great grandfather and it was painted by Leonardo di Vinci.”

We say bravo, Paolo and hope other York business owners take note. Come on Dave Dee, the precedent has been set.