IT is a bit rich for the US to complain about Russian meddling when for 70 years the CIA has interfered in the domestic affairs of practically every country on earth.

Our own prime minister Harold Wilson was convinced they were out to get him because he would not send troops to Vietnam.

Extreme clerical rule in Iran and the Taliban in Afghanistan are both the result of CIA activity and the process of decolonisation everywhere was distorted by the warring factions being armed and paid by the CIA or Soviets, or both.

The CIA’s enemy number one, Fidel Castro, survived everything they threw at him, eg the Bay of Pigs invasion fiasco, exploding cigars, botulinum-filled pens, beard depilatories and seductive assassins.

I would suggest that, so long as Trump and Putin can control their extremists, a little mutual meddling can provide light relief for the rest of us.

A V Martin,

Westfield Close, Wigginton, York