ON the day my last letter about the recycling fiasco was printed (The Press, April 23) I watched our recycling being comingled for the umpteenth Monday.

Since I wrote to you I have received a reply from Rachael Maskell enclosing a totally unsatisfactory reply from the city council.

1. The letter made reference to the recent enquiry from Mr D Nicholson. Not a promising start.

2. The same old tired “when regular vehicles break down” excuse was rolled out. That’s a very complex breakdown to have lasted over a month.

3. The letter indicated that the department is exploring signage so that it’s “easier for residents to see that we are separating waste”. We are neither stupid nor short-sighted and can see clearly when our sorted recycling is being dumped into one orifice via wheelie bins.

4. As my attention was drawn to signage, I looked at the vehicle collecting our recycling. Interestingly it bore the legend go-plant.co.uk on its flank, so we can assume our recently risen council tax is going to a third party now, whereas at least as far as I recall, previously inappropriate vehicles were from the council fleet.

I shall cc this to our hard-working councillors and MP, and urge them all to take hold of this and affect a change for the sake of residents who are sick of pointlessly sorting recycling and of being fobbed off by empty, costly excuses.

Dot Nicholson,

Fishergate, York