WE were shocked to receive a letter from the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust informing us that New Earswick Swimming Pool is to close.

This has been decided by the Trust’s board without any consultation with users of the pool or local people.

As with all swimming pools, the New Earswick pool needs a subsidy.

Having spoken to a representative of New Earswick Swimming Club, we know that there could be an opportunity to increase the charges to users to reduce this subsidy.

We were told that this option has never been put to the club.

The Trust has said that there is a £1.3 million capital cost required for updating the building.

Residents and users will want to know if other areas of funding have been explored.

As the swimming club is run by volunteers, has the Tadcaster pool model been looked at?

Are there structural reports that detail the work that has to be done and over what timescale is it required?

We appreciate that the one per cent rent reduction forced on housing associations by the Government has put even more pressure on their budgets, but we would urge the Trust to work with users and local people to explore ways of maintaining a facility which has served local people for 50 years.

Keith Orrell, Chris Cullwick and Carol Runciman, Liberal Democrat councillors for Huntington and New Earswick, York