I BELIEVE that fundamentally all of us understand the concepts of fairness and honouring your debts.

Almost all of us view the behaviour of Philip Green, in walking away from BHS without honouring his pension obligations to thousands of employees, as disgraceful.

So how are people convincing themselves that the UK might leave the EU without honouring our pension commitments to the civil servants and ex-MEPs who work/worked for the EU?

If we sign a contract to, say, buy a car or take out insurance, we all understand that this contract is an undertaking that has to be honoured.

If we fail to honour the undertakings we make we lose our credit rating and struggle to make other agreements.

As an important EU member, the UK has signed many undertakings to spend money with other EU members: on pensions and employment, on scientific research, on environmental protection measures, on development aid, on regional funding, and a host of other things.

That is why we owe billions to the EU if we leave.

If we don’t honour our debts and commitments we lose our good name and credit rating; why would any nation offer us a trade deal in the future?

Christian Vassie, Blake Court, Wheldrake, York