A WEBCHAT will be held this week to answer questions anyone might have about becoming a Special Constable with North Yorkshire Police.

The live event will be run by current Specials and human resource staff at the force as part of its ongoing recruitment campaign, to help answer questions from potential recruits.

Special Constables are volunteer police officers who have the same uniform and powers as paid officers, but volunteer a minimum of 16 hours per month to policing York and North Yorkshire, carrying out operational, front-line duties.

The force is currently encouraging applicants from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, and people who are looking for a new challenge but do not want to leave their current jobs.

Special Chief Officer Sharron Moverely-Holmes has been a Special Constables for more than 30 years.

She said: “Being a Special Constable is a unique and privileged volunteer role, and while it can be very challenging and demanding, it brings immense rewards.”

The webchat will take place on Wednesday, July 19, between 6pm and 7pm, at northyorkshire.police.uk/webchat