ON the day that Conservative and Labour leaders Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn came to York for BBC1’s Question Time, in the run-up to Thursday’s General Election, cast members of the political drama Everything Is Possible: The York Suffragettes gathered their thoughts in the Museum Gardens.

Led by Barbara Marten, who plays imprisoned York Suffragette Annie Seymour-Pearson, the performers from the York Theatre Royal and Pilot Theatre community production wore costumes and bore placards from the upcoming show but with slogans from 100 years ago.

As they stood together, they “considered the vote the Suffragettes fought so hard for and how it is now more important than ever”.

Written by Bridget Foreman and directed by Juliet Forster and Katie Posner, Everything Is Possible will be staged by 300 actors, singers, musicians, off-stage assistants and technical crew members.

Everything Is Possible: The York Suffragettes will run from June 20 to July 1, with each performance starting outside York Minster before moving indoors to the Theatre Royal main stage. For tickets and full programme details, visityorktheatreroyal.co.uk