IN reply to S Butterworth (Letters, April 22), I am a Tory and proud, and voting in Theresa May will vindicate the wonderful work she and her Government have done.

We need a strong leader - and May is just that. Yes, she may have changed her mind on the election, and on Brexit, but the press like her and that’s enough for me.

And in regards to the “dismantling of the post-war consensus”, this was done decades ago by dear Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher knew how to divide communities, limit worker’s rights, roll back the state - and all for the best I say.

It’s thanks to her that we’re where we are now - in this wonderful meritocracy where everyone else seemingly wants to live.

Well you can’t, there’s not enough space, so keep out.

Remember May is strong, Corbyn weak - and that’s all I need to know.

Vote Conservative and pour me another sherry.

Edward Coulson, Appleton Roebuck, York