DURING my service on Huntington Parish Council many moons ago, one project we embarked on was purchasing daffodil bulbs and personally planted in selected areas around Huntington.

However, in recent times, it has been noticeable that in certain quarters, ie the approach to All Saints Church entrance, daffodils in full bloom have been subjected to desecration, with flowers ripped off and left lying in the road.

It has also been a bone of contention on the grass verges approaching primary schools.

May I remind all tax and rate payers, if you wish for the area to retain its position as a suitable place to live, this form of vandalism bordering on criminal damage, which also applies to vehicles parking on footways and grass verges, the cost of repair will fall on you.

Excuses, for example that the children and/or dog are responsible, will fall on deaf ears. They are under your control.

Kenneth Bowker, Vesper Walk, Huntington, York