I WOULD agree wholeheartedly with the many letters and comments regarding the volunteer bellringers being axed at York Minster.

John Lacy is quite right when he says that bureaucracy and management-speak have triumphed over old-fashioned Christian charity.

As he says, this modern senior management approach has little place in the church. It is a growing concern within the Church of England.

One can only assume it has started at the top and now filters down, not only at Cathedral level, but the ordinary parish church.

What appears to have gone so badly wrong here it there is no proper line of communication.

To dismiss volunteers, change the locks and tell them no bells are to be rung until the new year, but that they can still apply to come back in a few months, is just disgraceful.

Bellringing is a skill. The ordinary person in the street can’t come and ring a Minster peal.

Hopefully they can start discussions with them again.

Stephanie Kemp, Westwood Way, Boston Spa