SELFLESS farmers who prevented a home from flooding have been recognised for their kindness.

Sarahjayne Bielby and her husband Andrew, 59, have nominated their son and five farmers for the York & District Medal after they were saved from devastation.

Their 28-year-old son, Matthew, enlisted the help of his friends on Boxing Day who quickly responded and arrived at the Rufforth home with tankers ready to pump away the rising waters.

Mrs Bielby, 54, says the men - Richard Burniston, Andrew Telford, Paul Orme, Martin Haddlesey and Thomas Steer - have helped them countless times over the last nine years and saved their home from significant damage.

Mr Bielby said: "We started at noon on Boxing Day with the lads taking away unbelievable amounts of water in the tankers from the road outside our house that has flooded regularly at times of heavy rain.

"With the help of our own water pump we purchased and wonderful neighbours and friends, we swept and bailed water away.

"We are extremely lucky to have this amazing resource at no charge to us out of the goodness of their hearts."

Mrs Bielby added: "They are absolutely amazing and need the recognition.

"It's really good of the lads to keep doing this and great of their employers as well who allow them to use machinery and diesel."

The Press has teamed up with City of York Council to honour the heroes of the floods through the medal, with support from York-based mutual healthcare provider, Benenden.

The farmers are just the latest of a stream of people to be nominated for the medal, which aims to recognise the people or organisations who came to the rescue of homes and businesses which were inundated in the period after Christmas.

  • To nominate your flood heroes email with your name, address and contact details, plus the name and contact details (if available) of the person you are nominating, and explain the reasons for the nomination. Alternatively, send your completed nominations to York & District Medal, Newsdesk, The Press, 84-86 Walmgate, York YO1 9YN.