AN EXPLORATION of truth, religious intolerance and the English Reformation will be held in York next week.

Collections Unlocked is part of York Minster’s adult learning programme and will look at contemporary events in Iraq, Syria, Northern Nigeria and Sudan in contrast to events during the Reformation.

Canon Chris Collingwood and the Minster’s historic collections team will explore the impact of the Reformation through discussion and investigation of six of the most significant objects and books in the Minster’s Collections – items that represent this period of intense struggle and learning.

Chris Mr Collingwood said: “The upheavals that we are seeing in the world at the moment have a direct historical parallel in the English Reformation.

In Questions of Truth people will be able to consider the modern context for religious violence and then get up close and personal with objects from the Reformation that will illustrate religious intolerance, persecution, violence and control of hearts and minds.”

Questions of Truth will also look at how history can be rewritten depending on which “truth” you choose and how propaganda can manipulate the truth.

The event takes place at 7pm on Wednesday, in the Upper Hall of the Old Palace, Dean’s Park. Tickets cost £5 and can be booked at or on 01904 557208.