TELEVISION presenter, children’s author and daredevil Steve Backshall handles a live show as enthusiastically as he ventures into the wild world for his wildlife TV shows.

In York he drew more than 600 people, from young to old, to hear stories of his expeditions and close encounters with creatures both bizarre and deadly, accompanied by film footage.

His enthusiasm for what he calls “the best job in the world” is infectious and inspirational, and many children present are excited by the chance to shout out answers when he asks them to identify creatures in photographs.

Backshall has a new novel out, Shark Seas, and sharks of all shapes, sizes, magnificence and misconceptions feature in the first half.

Young audience members lap up opportunities to ask him questions about his scariest/favourite encounters. He ends his talk on the wild side by asking us to consider that while we humans are the dominant species on Earth, every living being matters equally.

An hour of book signings, autographs and photos follow; what a thoroughly good-natured chap Steve Backshall is.