FROM Bournemouth to Bangladesh, Riding Lights’ Baked Alaska crosses the globe through different sketches, showing the effect of climate change on a multitude of different people’s lives.

In England, Adam and Eve Average, played by Ivan Scoble and Edith Kirkwood respectively, are struggling with the overflow of domestic waste from their neighbour’s garden in to their own. In Bangladesh, Katie Brier’s Selina is struggling with the after-effects of cyclone Aila, as the audience witness the incompetence of the fossil fuel tycoons, adamantly against any change that would help ease global warming in favour of pleasing their shareholders.

While I was unsure what to expect from the opening scene, which consisted of two puppets perched on top of the stage discussing the effect the pollution has on the sunset, I was pleasantly surprised to see director Paul Burbridge and cast member Jonathan Bidgood's play develop with it satirical humour reflecting on little-talked-about truths.

The four cast members skilfully navigated the moveable, circular stage which transformed between scenes from an aerial view of Earth to a devastated garden in Bangladesh. They made best use of this by reflecting on the deterioration from the tropical paradise of Nauru to the hollowed-out shell of an island by the exploitation of its resources.

While entertaining, Baked Alaska has a serious message pushing through the laughter. The sketches and stories portrayed are based on the lives of real people struggling with the effects of man-made climate change and though far from being overbearing in its environmental agenda, the cast's comedic antics deliver this important message through satire and metaphor with both humour and impact.

Baked Alaska will be on a church tour until November 22. For the full tour schedule, visit