YORK Theatre Royal’s Burns Night Ceilidh will not be held on January 25, as is the custom in Scotland, but one night later in the De Grey Rooms.

The York Ceilidh Club band will host the celebrations of the life of Scottish poet Robert Burns, performing a range of lively dances. No previous ceilidh experience is necessary.

A drinks reception and a professional dance caller will set the mood in the De Grey Rooms, whose neo-classical ballroom is equipped with a sprung dance floor, used in its heyday by the Yorkshire Hussars and now restored by York Conservation Trust.

In anticipation of the evening, events co-ordinator Lindsay Whitwell says: “What better way to celebrate the life of Burns than in this idyllic theatrical location?”

Last month the De Grey Rooms won The Press People’s Award category of the York Design Awards.

On January 26, doors will open at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £17 at the York Theatre Royal box office or on 01904 623568 or online at yorktheatreroyal.co.uk