I READ that primary school teachers lose more than one million hours of lesson time each year toilet training children.

This is costing the education service £11 million.

All the talk at the moment is about landfill sites and the reduction of plastic.

Experts tell us it can take up to 500 years for a nappy to break down and it is estimated eight million go into landfill sites every day.

While these nappies are breaking down they release greenhouse gases such as methane, which cause climate change.

Other toxic substances are also released which can cause contamination to soil and water courses.

Please let us do away with disposable nappies and get back to the old terry towelling ones, which were washed and used over and over again for more than one child.

I know if parents used terry towelling nappies instead of disposable ones they would be keen to get their children clean and dry at an early age, long before they went to school.

M Field,

Dunnington, York