As preparations and excitement for Christmas grows, we recognise that it can be a difficult time for people who have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, especially if it is their first Christmas with diabetes. It can be a time of temptation, unpredictable or delayed meals, extra nibbles, excitement and stress, all of which can make managing their diabetes more of a problem.

We have published a new booklet, ‘Diabetes at Christmas’, to help families who live with the condition. It gives various options for Christmas dinners, a recipe for homemade, lower carbohydrate and calorie Christmas pudding and many other tips. We also have a booklet, ‘Diabetes – Everyday Eating’ and we hope that the two booklets will help to make life easier over the festive season.

We are happy to send out these, free of charge, to any readers. Simply contact IDDT on 01604 622837 or email

Jenny Hirst,


InDependent Diabetes Trust [IDDT]

PO Box 294

Northampton NN1 4XS